Dr. Dhananjay Kulkarni

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

I stand before you today with a deep sense of honor and responsibility as we embark on a new chapter in our shared journey. It is both a privilege and a challenge to assume the role of President for the coming year, succeeding a leader whose dedication has propelled our community to new heights. I am humbled by the trust you have placed in me and am committed to upholding the values and initiatives set forth by my predecessor.

As we transition leadership, I want to express my gratitude to the outgoing president for their tireless efforts in advancing our field. They have laid a strong foundation, and it is my promise to build upon it, ensuring continuity and progress. Our community has flourished under their guidance, and I recognize the importance of maintaining the momentum they have cultivated.

One of the cornerstones of our specialty lies in the collaboration and exchange of knowledge among colleagues. I am devoted to fostering an environment where open communication and interdisciplinary collaboration thrive. In the year ahead, we will continue to promote initiatives that facilitate the sharing of expertise, experiences, and research findings. Our collective knowledge is a powerful tool, and by working together, we can elevate the standards of care and contribute to the evolution of otolaryngology.

Education stands as a pillar in our profession, and I am steadfast in my commitment to advancing learning opportunities for all members. Whether through workshops, conferences, or online platforms, we will strive to provide accessible and cutting-edge educational resources. By investing in the professional development of our colleagues, we not only enhance individual practices but also elevate the overall quality of patient care.

The global landscape of healthcare is dynamic and ever-changing. In response to these challenges, I pledge to advocate for policies that support the needs of our community. This includes addressing issues such as healthcare access, research funding, and technology integration. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard on matters that impact the practice of otolaryngology and the well-being of our patients.

In our pursuit of excellence, research plays a pivotal role. I am committed to promoting and supporting research initiatives that push the boundaries of our understanding and contribute to the advancement of ENT care. Whether through fostering collaboration between institutions or supporting individual research endeavors, we will actively encourage innovation that propels our field forward.

Our community is diverse, with members at various stages of their careers. Recognizing the unique needs of each demographic, I will strive to implement programs that support the growth and well-being of all our colleagues. This includes mentorship initiatives, career development resources, and avenues for networking. By nurturing a supportive community, we empower each member to reach their fullest potential.

As we move forward, I encourage each of you to actively participate in the initiatives and discussions that shape our community. Your insights and contributions are invaluable, and together, we can create a future where otolaryngology continues to thrive.

In conclusion, I embark on this journey with a deep sense of responsibility and enthusiasm. I look forward to working collaboratively with each of you to build upon the legacy of our predecessors and propel our community to new heights. Together, let us forge a path of excellence, innovation, and compassion in the field of otolaryngology.

Thank you for your trust, and I am excited about the impactful year that lies ahead.


Dr. Dhananjay Kulkarni

Dr. Balasaheb Patil

Dear Esteemed Members of Branches of FMSB of AOI,

As I stand before you as a Secretary of FMSB, it is with a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility. The journey thus far has been one of collective effort, shared achievements and continuous growth. Today, I share with you our accomplishments, promises for the future and a vision that builds upon the foundation we have laid together.

Initiating the Travel Fellowship for junior consultants has been a step toward nurturing the next generation of otolaryngologists. In the upcoming year, my commitment is to expand and enrich this program. We will not only provide opportunities for travel but also focus on mentorship, skill enhancement and knowledge exchange. The Travel Fellowship will serve as a catalyst for the professional development of our junior consultants, ensuring they receive the support needed to excel in their careers.

The pause in our conference schedule due to the challenges posed by COVID has been a temporary setback. I assure you that we are poised to rekindle the vibrancy of our conferences, creating a platform for learning, collaboration and networking. The conferences in the coming year will not only mark a return to normalcy but will also incorporate innovative elements that reflect the evolving landscape of our field. Your participation and engagement will be key to the success of these events.

Addressing pending administrative tasks is a top priority. I acknowledge the importance of completing tasks such as the filing of IT returns promptly. Financial transparency is integral to the trust our members place in us and I am committed to ensuring that all outstanding responsibilities are fulfilled with diligence and accuracy.

Collaborating with our newly elected President and Vice President, I am excited about the prospect of developing new ideas that align with the changing needs of our association. Under their guidance, we will explore innovative avenues to enhance our programs, improve member engagement and stay at the forefront of advancements in otolaryngology. Your input and suggestions will play a crucial role in shaping these new initiatives.

Effective communication is the lifeline of our association. In the coming year, we will further enhance our communication channels to keep you informed about developments, opportunities and initiatives. Transparency and inclusivity will be at the core of our communication strategy, ensuring that each member feels connected and engaged.

As we move forward, I invite each member to actively participate in the initiatives outlined. Your involvement, feedback and collaboration are essential for the success of our programs and the continued growth of our association. Together, let us create an environment that fosters professional excellence, camaraderie, and innovation.

In conclusion, I express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of serving as your Secretary. The journey has been an enriching one and I am confident that the coming year holds even greater promise. Together, let us continue to elevate otolaryngology in Maharashtra and leave a legacy of excellence for the generations to come.

Thank you for your trust and unwavering support.


Dr. Balasaheb Patil

Dr. Parag Watve
Dr. Parag Watve

Dear Esteemed Members,

As I address you today in the final year of my three-year tenure as the Treasurer, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve this esteemed association. It has been a journey marked by financial stewardship, collaborative initiatives, and a commitment to the fiscal health of our organization. As we look back on our achievements and chart the course ahead, I am eager to share our plans for the coming year.

One of the pivotal initiatives undertaken during this tenure has been the establishment of the Travel Fellowship for junior consultants. I am committed to collaborating closely with the Secretary to support the successful implementation and expansion of this program. By providing financial oversight and ensuring transparent fund management, we aim to offer junior consultants a valuable opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge, contributing to the growth of our field.

Addressing outstanding administrative tasks is crucial for the smooth functioning of our association. This includes the completion of pending activities such as the filing of IT returns. I pledge to work diligently alongside the Secretary to fulfill these responsibilities promptly and accurately. Financial transparency is paramount, and we will uphold our commitment to maintaining accurate financial records and fulfilling our legal obligations.

In the realm of financial transactions, I am dedicated to ensuring that our operations remain smooth and efficient. This includes overseeing the inflow and outflow of funds, managing budgets for various initiatives, and implementing robust financial controls. By fostering transparent financial practices, we strengthen the foundation of our association, allowing us to focus on our core mission of advancing otolaryngology.

Collaboration with the Secretary is key to achieving our financial and organizational goals. Together, we will work closely to synchronize financial and administrative efforts, fostering a cohesive and efficient working relationship. Open communication and shared commitment will be the pillars upon which we build a strong financial framework for the association.

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, I invite each member to actively engage in the financial aspects of our association. Your input, suggestions, and support are invaluable as we strive to maintain financial health and ensure the sustainability of our initiatives. Transparency and accountability will remain at the forefront of our financial practices.

In conclusion, I express my deepest appreciation for the trust you have placed in me during these three years. It has been an honor to serve as your Treasurer, and I am eager to dedicate this final year to ensuring the financial stability and success of the Maharashtra State ENT Association. Together, let us continue to elevate our field and leave a legacy of financial prudence and excellence.

Thank you for your continued support.


Dr. Parag Watve